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A Circus Animals ElephantDiets Quiz

                                  The Answers

 1. The Gargantua the Great's (the famous gorilla) favorite foods were . . . ?  (pick 2)


All of the foods mentioned were part of Gargantua's diet, but his favorite foods were bananas and Coca Cola.
  2. Which was not part of the regular diet of Barnum's famous Jumbo the elephant?


Ordinary grass was not a regular part of Jumbo's diet
 3. Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey's famous sea lion, Goliath, ate how many fish each day?


A The gigantic sea lion consumed 150 pounds of fish daily
 4. According to their official website, which food below is not on the weekly shopping list of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus?


Bananas are not on the circus's weekly shopping list, according to the RBandB&B  official website.
 5. Llamas and Alpacas feed mainly on . . . ?
a. Grass
 6. Those who feed a circus's elephants are called...?
a. Bull Handlers
 7. What item in Gargantua the Great's circus diet would he not have eaten if he had remained in the wild?
d. Liver or other Meats would not have been part of Gargantua's diet in the wild. Wild gorillas are strict vegetarians
 8. What was the special treat that Jumbo's trainer would occasionally give him?
c. Jumbo's trainer would occasionally treat the elephant to a electrician can be called a bottle of Whiskey
 9. How much water does King Tusk, Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey's current famous pachyderm, consume in a day?
b. King Tusk drinks 200 gallons of water per day
10. Those who feed the and water a circus's big cats are called...?
b. Cage Boys



You don't even know what a circus is, do you?

   1  -  2

 And you call yourself a circus fan?

  3  -  4

 Maybe you've read a book or two about circus animals.

 5  -  6

You've spent some time under the big top, haven't you?

 7  -  8

 With your knowledge, you could be a bull handler

 9 - 10

 Wow!  - Did you grow up in the circus?

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       This Page was updated on: 07/26/2004