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A talented cartoonist, Emmett Kelly Sr. went to work for
Adagram. Film
Company, and first sketched a
sad tramp
clown who
would become the
Clown and Circus Halls of Fame inductee's beloved
Weary Willie character. According to at least
one source he orignally created the character for a bread commercial.
In his own autobiography, Emmett Sr. says that at the time he saw himself
either as a trapeze artist or a cartoonist, and had no idea that he would
someday be a full-time circus
(Note: the Adagram. Film Company also employed Walt
Disney at the time.)
Clown Hall of Fame inductee Gene "Cousin
Otto" Lee was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Clown Hall of Fame inductee George
Footit, the whiteface half of the team Footit and Chocolat,
died (born 1864). His former partner, Raphael "Chocolat" Padilla
had died four years earlier.
Footit and Chocolat were famous for the original slapstick style
of Whiteface/Auguste
clown acts,
where the whiteface was an authoritarian
clown who
delighted the circus audience by mercilessly bullying and slapping the hapless
and bumbling auguste.
Clown Hall of Fame inductee Egbert Austin
"Bert" Williams died. (born
1874) (Picture courtesy
of the International
Clown Hall of
JoJo Lewis began performing in regular circuses as the first
(and one of the first character
(picture courtesy of Joey Kelly)
Clown Hall of Fame inductee Robert Lewis (Bob)
"Bozo" Bell was born in Michigan, USA.
Clown and Circus Halls of Fame inductee
Emmett Kelly Sr. joined his first circus (Howe's London
Circus), doing various artistic odd jobs, like painting kewpie dolls
and circus wagons.
Clown Hall of Fame inductee Michael
"Coco" Poliakov was born in Russia, the son of another
Clown Hall of Fame inductee, Nikolai "Coco"
Famous Mime, Marcel "Bip"
Marceau, was born in Strasburg, France. (Given
name: Marcel Mangel). A French Jew, he changed his name during World
War II to avoid detection by the Nazi Gestapo. His father, not so fortunate,
died in Auschwitz.
Circus Hall of Fame inductee Lou Jacobs entered the United
States, performing as a contortionist and tumbler at fairs and
in Vaudeville.
Circus Halls of Fame inductee Emmett
"Weary Willie" Kelly Sr. married aerialist Eva Moore,
and teamed with the Moore sisters in their act (in addition to working part-time
as a
Clown Hall of Fame inductee Bobby Kaye
was hired as a whiteface
clown at
the Downy Bros.
Circus. (Picture courtesy of the
Clown Hall of
Emmett "Weary Willie" Kelly Jr. was born on the closing day
of the John Robinson Circus, in which his parents, Emmett Kelly Sr.
and Eva Moore Kelly, were performers.
 Clown and Circus Halls
of Fame inductee Emmett Kelly Sr. attempted to introduce his
Weary Willie character (left) to the circus
public that year. The boss
clown turned
him down, saying that Weary Willie was "too dirty" for the show, so
Emmett Sr. had to continue to perform in whiteface.
Circus Hall of Fame inductee Lou Jacobs
performed with the Morris and Morris Circus, as a
Paul Jung left the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey
Circus to return to vaudeville.
Circus Hall of Fame inductee Lou Jacobs
joined Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Baily Circus,
as a tumbler and contortionist.
Charles Ringling died, marking the virtual death
of the solo
act in the American circus. Charles and John Ringling had argued
for at least five years about the importance of the solo
clown act
(and the solo act had been seriously curtailed already), and
with his death, John completely abolished the long solo
clown act
from the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus. (with
rare notable exceptions like the best routines of
Clown and Circus Halls
of Fame inductees Lou Jacobs and Emmett "Weary Willie" Kelly,
Clown Hall of Fame inductee Glen
"Frosty" Little was born.
The National School for Circus and Variety Art was
founded in the Soviet Union. Popularly called the Moscow Circus School,
it was actually two schools; a high school and a four year college.
Clown and Circus Halls of Fame inductee Lou
Jacobs was hired to be a
clown for
the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus by John
Ringling, who recognized Lou's natural comic abilities. (In previous
seasons, he had been hired as a tumbler and contortionist).
Marceline Orbes died (born 1873). The official
cause of death was a self inflicted gunshot wound; thought in part at least
to be the result of
from being broke and out of work (people had lost interest in the solo
act they had flocked to see a few years before), and because of his failed
marriage. Few mourners showed up to his funeral (his ex-wife and some reporters
among them), but a large wreath of flowers was sent by an admirer; Charlie
Clown Hall of Fame inductee Jackie
LeClaire was born. His parents were performers with the Ringling Brothers
and Barnum and Bailey Circus, and Jackie became a
clown at
a very young age (and an accomplished aerialist).
Clown Hall of Fame inductee Robert James (Bob)
"Clarabelle" Keeshan was born in Lynbrook, Long Island,
New York , USA.
Clown Hall of Fame inductee Frankie Saluto
became a performing
Frankie was a dwarf, and his first routine was portraying a miniature
Charlie Chaplin with great skill and accuracy. Eventually, he became a whiteface
and it was only a short time before he joined the Ringling Brothers and Barnum
& Bailey Circus.
 Silent film star Lon
Chaney, Sr., billed as the man of a thousand faces,starred in the
Academy Award nominated movie Laugh,
Laugh, as Tito Beppi, aka Flik the
(click here
for a very good synopsis of the film, then use your browser's back button
to return to this page)
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